
Amy Egenberger

I am an artist, educator and certified life coach living in West Saint Paul. To explore my experience of everyday living and spiritual journey, I began using acrylic color to scribe prayerful text on canvas. In other art forms, I’ve enjoyed creating paper collage, and assembling small doll-like figures from unique textiles and found objects. I also write poetry and prayers inspired while creating. You can see part of my creative spiritual practice at Spirit Out! 365.

An educator for over thirty years, I now work as a life coach and consultant providing eye-opening support for personal transformation. I founded a unique creative coaching business in 2005, Spirit Out!, and continue to specialize in helping people exit unfulfilling situations, clear the internal clutter and ease into whatever energizing phase of life awaits them. I love to facilitate groups of creatives on The Artist’s Way in my Spirit Out! Classes.

A Practice of Paint

It all started with a simple practice of paint in 2009. Simple because it means mixing colors, making a swatch and then painting with that color. Each day is the not-so-simple part.

To actually step into my art room at home, open the tubes of color I’m drawn to, and then let the latest mix find its way to one or more of several canvases in progress is the practice. None of these paintings you see would be here, just as they are, without this commitment to doing what brings me joy… even if it is a little bit.

One September night, some friends and I were talking about six-word biographies. It was the eighth year to the day that I had started a different daily practice, as many artists do, to make a doll and write a poem every day for a year. What would I do this time? Paint with one color (at least) and write six words! That was it.

Peace on Earth SOLD

The practice is not about paint or words. The process reminds me that every day is an opportunity. By directing my creative energy to something I truly enjoy, small action steps do make a difference.

365 Doll Poetry

On September 12, 2001, I brought what I love to do into my daily routine when an artist friend inspired me to do artwork every day for a year. “Whatever your medium is, you can do it!” So, I have done it. Every day for that year I created a doll and wrote a poem.

The process reminded me that every day is indeed precious. By engaging in a creative practice, small action steps can add up! This collection of spirit dolls and ‘text messages’ speak to all we have to share and honor in our unique creative work, even today.